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Society of Cinema x Kenno Filmi: Filmmaking Workshop with Liene Linde

Society of Cinema x Kenno Filmi: Filmmaking Workshop with Liene Linde

Wednesday 12.02.2020

10:00 - 18:30

Museum of Impossible Forms in collaboration with Kenno Filmi is excited to present the first session of Kenno Filmi’s Public Program. Our guest is filmmaker and educator Liene Linde. Liene will give a Public Talk and a Public Film Screening followed by a Workshop with 15 selected participants.

To take part in the workshop please write a short motivation (max. 1 paragraph) to, or signup on the Kenno Filmi website, by 03.02.2020 and we will inform you by 05.02.2020.

When emailing us regarding the seminar, please use the word “Workshop” in the email’s subject.

The seminar is free of charge.

“One of the biggest struggles that I have experienced since I ventured into film directing 12 years ago has been the elusive concept of “truth”. As an artist, I believe it is my duty to speak the truth even when no one else does and shine light on different aspects of reality that would otherwise be rendered invisible.

In that sense, I have often found guidance in the words of Jonas Mekas. When asked, “What is avant-guard in today’s cinema?” his reply was: “You can look the word up in the dictionary. Avant-garde is the frontline: it is most exposed to the bullets.”Is it possible to be avant-garde while making conventional cinema? How to address the truth when writing fictional screenplays? Isn’t fiction (and cinema altogether) and truth something completely opposite? How to steal bits and pieces from life and translate it to the screen?”


10:00-11:00  - "Translating Life to Screen": Public Talk

11:00-11:30 - Public Film Screening: Seven Awkward Sex Scenes. Part One (Liene Linde, 2016)

11:30 - 11:45 - Liene introduces the assignment for the 15 selected participants.

Break  + Time for workshop participants to prepare the assignment.

 15:15 - 16:00The workshop participants can return to MIF to download their work on the device that is connected to the projector.

16:00 - 18:00-  Presentation of the participants' videos and thoughts on the works.

18:00 - 18:30 - feedback and discussion on the workshop.

Liene Linde (1986) is a film director and critic based in Riga, Latvia. She has made several short films, including autobiographical and controversial meta-comedy “Seven Awkward Sex Scenes. Part One” (2016) that has been screened and awarded internationally. She is currently working on two feature films (live-action and a documentary), teaching in the National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture and studying to obtain a doctoral degree in culture theory.

Kenno Filmi is a co-operative production house in Helsinki, proposing reconfigurations of film and media art production practices through creative exchanges. Kenno Filmi provides a platform from which ecological and intersectional feminist working practices can form substantial changes to film and media art production cultures. Our focus is to activate and share transparent and critical working methods; aiming to challenge and destabilise the discriminative structures of work and also push for change in the content and the context of creative work. A Kenno Filmi production is a venue for dreaming, artistic expression, the exchange of skills, time and ideas. Kenno Filmi  was founded by Danai Anagnostou, Elena Näsänen, Christopher L. Thomas and Martta Tuomaala in 2019.

Museum of Impossible Forms is a cultural space, located in Kontula, Helsinki. It is a contested Space and it represents a contact zone, a space of unlearning, formulating identity constructs, norm-critical consciousness and critical thinking. Impossible Forms are those that erase and facilitate the process of transgressing the boundaries/borders between art, politics, practice, theory, the artist and the spectator. For 2019-2020, Museum of Impossible Forms operates under the curatorial theme of ‘The Atlas of Lost Beliefs (For Insurgents, Citizens and Untitled Bodies)’.

Museum of Impossible Forms is a Safer Space. We follow a  Safer Space policy to create a welcoming, inclusive, awesome environment.

Events at the Museum of Impossible Forms are completely free and accessible without prior booking.

Museum of Impossible Forms is accessible by lift with thresholds up to 4cm on the way. The toilet has no thresholds but is not spacious enough to meet accessibility standards. The nearest accessible toilet is located at Kontula metro station.

For directions, please refer to this Map.