In English below
Ubuntu film club esittää: Poetic Justice
17.00 Ovet avataan
18.00 Elokuva alkaa
Poetic Justice
USA, 1993, 109 min
Ohjannut John Singleton
Maailman suurimpiin r’n’b-artisteihin kuuluva Janet Jackson teki valkokangasdebyyttinsä elokuvassa Poetic Justice. Hänen rinnallaan toisessa pääroolissa nähdään hip hop -artisti Tupac Shakur. Elokuvan on ohjannut ja käsikirjoittanut John Singleton, jonka muistetaan erityisesti elokuvastaan Boyz n the Hood. Jacksonin hahmon kirjoittamat, elokuvassa kuultavat runot ovat todellisuudessa Maya Angeloun runoja, joka myös vilahtaa elokuvassa.
Tapahtuma on ilmainen, eikä tarvitse ennakkoon ilmoittautumista.
Ubuntu film club presents: Poetic Justice
5 pm Doors open
6 pm Movie starts
Poetic Justice
USA, 1993, 109 min
Directed by John Singleton
The story of a grieving hairdresser and an ambitious postman, Poetic Justice stars music legends Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur as they learn to navigate their differences and find connection through poetry and the written word. Directed by the late great John Singleton (Boyz n the Hood), and featuring poetry by Maya Angelou, Poetic Justice is a deeply moving tale about grief and channeling sadness into creativity.
The event is free of charge. No sign-up required.
Museum of Impossible Forms is a cultural space, located in Kontula, Helsinki. It is a contested Space and it represents a contact zone, a space of unlearning, formulating identity constructs, norm-critical consciousness and critical thinking. Impossible Forms are those that erase and facilitate the process of transgressing the boundaries/borders between art, politics, practice, theory, the artist and the spectator. For 2019-2020, Museum of Impossible Forms operates under the curatorial theme of ‘The Atlas of Lost Beliefs (For Insurgents, Citizens and Untitled Bodies)’
Museum of Impossible Formsis a safer space. It follows safer space policies to create a welcoming, inclusive, awesome environment.
Events at the Museum of Impossible Forms are completely free and accessible without prior booking.
Museum of Impossible Forms is accessible by lift with thresholds up to 4cm on the way. The toilet has no thresholds but is not spacious enough to meet accessibility standards. The nearest accessible toilet is located at Kontula metro station.
For directions, please refer to this Map.