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Feminist Anti Racist Night School (FAR) : Confronting class in institutional settings

FAR Night School: Confronting class in institutional settings 
18 - 20
@ Museum of Impossible Forms

(alempana teksti suomeksi)

FAR Night School is a Helsinki-based independent platform for feminist and anti-racist learning since 2017.

In our first FAR night school learning session of the fall 2018 semester, we will engage with social class, a concept that is often ignored in discussions of structural inequality in contemporary society. How do institutional settings (such as health care, school, work places) privilege and reward behaviour associated with certain class groups? How does class intersect with identity categories such as race, gender and sexuality? How can we question class-based barriers in our everyday lives (as a friend, family member, student, employee, consumer etc.)?

Bell hooks's text "Confronting Class in the Classroom" will be used as a departure point for our discussion and writing/thinking exercises. The text, from the book "Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom" (NY: Routledge, 1994) is available at

An excerpt from the text:

"... it was the constant evocation of materially privileged class experience (usually that of the middle class) as a universal norm that not only set those of us from working-class backgrounds could assimilate into the mainstream, change speech patterns, points of reference, drop any habit that might reveal them to be from a nonmaterially privileged background.

Of course I entered college hoping that a university degree would enhance my class mobility. Yet I thought of this solely in economic terms. Early on I did not realize that class was much more than one’s economic standing, that it determined values, standpoint, and interests. It was assumed that any student coming from a poor or working-class background would willingly surrender all values and habits of being associated with this background. Those of us from diverse ethnic/racial backgrounds learned that no aspect of our vernacular culture could be voiced in elite settings. This was especially the case with vernacular language or a first language that was not English. To insist on speaking in any manner that did not conform to privileged class ideals and mannerisms placed one always in the position of interloper."

It is not necessary to have read the text to participate. Printed copies will be made available for those who would like to read during the session. You are welcome to take part in various ways that feel most comfortable for you. You can come and join the discussions or come to listen.

The session, hosted by Arvind and Ella, will take place at the Museum of Impossible Forms, Keinulaudankuja 4 E, 00940 Helsinki 

The place is accessible with an elevator, but the toilet unfortunately isn't large enough to accommodate a wheelchair. The closest accessible toilet is at the Kontula metro station. WELCOME!


FAR Iltakoulu: Yhteiskuntaluokan haastaminen instituutioissa
18 - 21
Museum of Impossible forms:illa Kontulassa

FAR Iltakoulu on vuodesta 2017 Helsingissä toiminut omatoiminen alusta feministiselle ja antirasistiselle oppimiselle.

Syksyn 2018 ensimmäisessä FAR sessiossa paneudumme tämän päivän rakenteellista epätasa-arvoa käsittelevissä keskusteluissa usein vähälle huomiolle jäävään yhteiskuntaluokan kysymykseen. Miten instituutiot (kuten terveydenhuolto, koulu, työpaikat) palkitsevat ja rankaisevat tietynlaiseen yhteiskuntaluokkaan yhdistyvästä käytöksestä eri tilanteissa? Miten luokka risteää ja kietoutuu yhteen muiden identiteettikategorioiden, kuten rodun, sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden kanssa? Kuinka tunnistaa ja vastustaa luokkaan perustuvia esteitä jokapäiväisessä elämässämme (esimerkiksi ystävänä, perheenjäsenenä, opiskelijana, työntekijänä tai kuluttujana)?

Keskustelun ja kirjoitus- / ajatteluharjoitusten taustana käytämme bell hooksin tekstiä "Confronting Class in the Classroom". Tekstin lukeminen etukäteen ei kuitenkaan ole vaadittua, vaan se on tarkoitettu inspiraatioksi ja ajatusten herättelemiseksi. Englanninkielinen teksti hooksin kirjasta "Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom" (NY: Routledge, 1994) löytyy osoitteesta:

Keskustelu käydään englanniksi. 

Lainaus bell hooksin tekstistä:

"... it was the constant evocation of materially privileged class experience (usually that of the middle class) as a universal norm that not only set those of us from working-class backgrounds could assimilate into the mainstream, change speech patterns, points of reference, drop any habit that might reveal them to be from a nonmaterially privileged background.

Of course I entered college hoping that a university degree would enhance my class mobility. Yet I thought of this solely in economic terms. Early on I did not realize that class was much more than one’s economic standing, that it determined values, standpoint, and interests. It was assumed that any student coming from a poor or working-class background would willingly surrender all values and habits of being associated with this background. Those of us from diverse ethnic/racial backgrounds learned that no aspect of our vernacular culture could be voiced in elite settings. This was especially the case with vernacular language or a first language that was not English. To insist on speaking in any manner that did not conform to privileged class ideals and mannerisms placed one always in the position of interloper."

Printattuja tekstejä löytyy niille, jotka haluavat lukea tekstin paikan päällä. Olet tervetullut ottamaan osaa sessioon itsellesi sopivilla tavoilla: voit osallistua keskusteluun tai kuunnella. 

Session järjestävät Arvind ja Ella, ja se pidetään Museum of Impossible Forms -tilassa osoitteessa Keinulaudankuja 4 E, 00940 Helsinki.  

Tila on esteetön hissillä, mutta valitettavasti WC ei ole tarpeeksi iso pyörätuolille. Lähin esteetön WC on Kontulan metroasemalla.