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M{𝓲𝑓} Performance Lab II - The Fierce Urgency of Now

Welcome to the second of our performance series. The Performance Lab at M{𝓲𝑓} a space of experimentation, rehearsal and performance under the theme The fierce urgency of now.
We start of with a Lecture performance by Roberta Lima.

Lecture Performance - Spaces of Transition___19h00

Lima's latest work has a focus on gender, queer, postcolonial, as well as architectural and spatial investigations. At the Performance Lab at M{𝓲𝑓} she would like to share her trajectory in discovering self-representation as means of empowerment and as an emancipatory process. In her earlier performances, she looked into bio-politics as mechanisms of body control in society for positioning themselves as a feminist. She continued by looking outside, redirecting the gaze, and using various media to think space as both performative and collaborative: a dialogue between people, space, and objects.

Roberta Lima after graduating with a degree in architecture in 2001, moved to Europe where she now lives and works. In 2007 she earned a Master’s degree in Fine Arts and in 2013 her PhD in Philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Thereafter she worked as lecturer and Assistant Professor for the Contextual Painting Class at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Roberta focuses on her own body as theme for her work and uses various media, such as photographs, video and installations. Additionally she investigates space and appropriates aspects of different places and contexts – from subculture to science, from popular media to historical reference and feminist theory – for producing art and starting discussions on the role of artist and viewer. 

Valmistuttuaan arkkitehdiksi 2001, Roberta Lima muutti Eurooppaan, jossa hän yhä asuu ja työskentelee. Vuonna 2007 hän valmistui kuvataiteen maisteriksi ja vuonna 2014 filosofian tohtoriksi Wienin kuvataideakatemiasta. Robertan töiden aiheena on usein hänen oma ruumiinsa. Töissään hän käyttää lukuisia eri välineitä, kuten valokuvausta, videota ja installaatioita. Roberta tutkii töissään myös tilaa ja käyttää eri paikkoja ja konteksteja – alakulttuureista tieteeseen, massamediasta historiallisiin viittauksiin ja feministiseen teoriaan – taiteensa tuottamisessa ja synnyttääkseen keskustelua taiteilijan ja katsojan rooleista.

blue tears a performance by to kosie ____20h30

‘blue tears' is a performance in which blue feelings will take form of a blue liquid. Performativity of the material is going to be the main focus. It’s going to fall, change its look, shape and consistency. The hidden, weird, unknown details of blueness will be brought closer to the viewer, revealing its beauty and power.

to kosie is a visual artist working with sculpture, video and performance. Its practice is based on building equal relation with matter. Engaging with the matter, looking at social issues from perspective of materials, objects, bodies, ‘it’s, those written lower case, is the main focus in its works.

Artist website:

The Performance Lab at M{𝓲𝑓} happens every second Friday of the month and is curated by Vishnu Rajan and Christopher Wessels.